Design of the flipped learning model for three subjects in the University of Cuenca


The use of the Flipped Learning model allows, among others, to improve the academic performance of the students; favor their motivation, interest and autonomy; facilitate the individual pace of learning; provide teachers with more time in the classroom to solve student doubts and propose debates that foster collaborative learning.

This project sought to implement the Flipped Learning (FL) model in three subjects that respond to different areas of knowledge to compare the effects of the model in students and teachers and also determine the relationships and differences of the application of this model in different subjects. The present work is part of the research studies for educational design (EDR), using case studies and quantitative and qualitative data collection tools.

My role was to develop scripts, structure and materials for classes, and conduct research activities such as focus groups.

Jose Urgiles, Galo Carrion, Blasco Moscoso, Belen Mogrovejo, Luis Garcia – RESEARCH TEAM–

Classes produced:


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