Citizen participation to monitor and improve the public bike-sharing system in Cuenca, Ecuador


In 2019, Cuenca mobility enterprise EMOV implemented a public bike-sharing system with 20 stations and 240 bicycles to provide more sustainable mobility alternatives. Ecuadorian citizen participation law states civil groups can be created to monitor the implementation of public projects.

Thanks to the fifth power that citizens can exercise voluntarily in Ecuador, our group accompanied the system's implementation process in Cuenca. Our objective was to analyze the implementation of the first shared bike project in Cuenca to anticipate possible shortcomings. The study was divided into three parts: a contractual and financial analysis, a technical analysis, and citizen perception analysis.

At the end of the process, our group issued a report with recommendations to the Plenary of the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control. The report was approved and recognized for its technical quality. Also, thanks to this, several positive aspects were implemented for the system: a) the elimination of the cash payment of the guarantee to register in the system, b) improvements in the registration process, c) the extension of the hours of operation of the system, d) the implementation of a membership called "pay per trip," e) the inclusion of citizens through a perception survey and f) help public and private companies to improve the dissemination of the project.

My role involved the design of a research plan for the citizen perception analysis, experience mapping, and the final report.

Team: Lis Molina (Coordinator), Luis Garcia (Sub Coordinator), Natalia Alvarez, Elisa Bernal, Joel Lopez, Daniela Cobo, Felipe Albornoz, David Fajardo, Cesar Crespo, Erika Peralta, Francisco Machado

Reports and resolution from the Council for Citizen Participation and Social Control


The Smart City Foundation also invited the group to the 2019 Civic Lab in Cuenca for a series of workshops to improve the bike-sharing system's communications strategy. We shared the results of our research and contributed as active members of the Lab to keep influencing the system's decision-making and improvements.
